About Us
The Vermont Camp Association (VCA) is a consortium of summer camps, camp programs, and camp professionals serving youth in the Green Mountain State. VCA members meet regularly to further their professional education and share knowledge and information, with the goal of providing the highest quality programs for campers. If you are a camp professional, please consider joining VCA to build your industry connections - or check out our job listings.
If you’re looking for excellent camps offering the best of Vermont’s natural beauty and camping’s proven benefits of growth, independence, and friendship, VCA’s member camps are the best place to start.
Hive has been the best thing that our daughter has ever done and the best thing we have ever done for our daughter.
-Parent at Aloha Hive Camp in Fairlee, Vermont
Best summer ever. He came home from Lanakila a well-adjusted, kind, and more confident child.
-Parent at Lanakila Camp in Fairlee, Vermont
Aloha is the highlight of my daughter’s year. It is the one place outside of home where she feels fully accepted.
-Parent at Aloha Camp in Fairlee, Vermont
In one week's time I saw Maeve become more confident in both her gymnastic skills and her social skills. Her level of independence increased greatly. With the support that you provided, Maeve took some risks and felt extremely successful!
- Parent at Dunkley’s Gymnastics Camp in South Hero, Vermont
This place taught me what it means to live in a community that truly values each individual child in his or her glorious, quirky uniqueness -- not just in the promotional brochure but FOR REAL. It was the most important experience of my childhood.
- Former camper at Killooleet in Hancock, Vermont
Point CounterPoint made me into the person I am now-- teaching me how to live and get along with people who I might not necessarily agree with, and how to put aside differences to make music. I became an outgoing person who is confident in herself.
-Camper at Point CounterPoint in Leicester, Vermont
The reason we keep coming back to camp is because it's one of the only times every year where we just get to be together. There's no pressure to cook, drive, or do anything in particular. We leave camp feeling better connected and more grounded. It's magical.
- Family Camper at Camp Common Ground in Starksboro, Vermont
Songadeewin is my special place. It was my place where I could act like a girl but learn how to become a woman. Up at camp you are there to discover who you are and have miles of open water to do just that.
-Former camper at Songadeewin of Keewaydin in Salisbury, Vermont
My daughter grows as a person through interactions with her campmates and is empowered from her camp experience. She cries when the camp ends and starts to look forward to it in September every year, her life rotates around Hochelaga.
- Parent at YWCA Camp Hochelaga in South Hero, Vermont
Camp Betsey Cox is the first place I have felt I really contributed to a community. It was the first place my personality became outspoken and bold.
-Camper at Camp Betsey Cox in Pittsford, Vermont
At this camp, you can be who you want to be and nobody judges you. It’s so fun and you create great friendships that are very deep and they don’t care about who you are on [the] outside. They care about the inside.
- 13-year-old camper at Farm and Wilderness in Plymouth, Vermont
From our perspective, the best thing was how you and your staff create a magical place with lots of happy kids who love their time together in Vermont. Thank you for making my daughter's first summer at Lochearn so memorable.
- Parent at Camp Lochearn in Post Mills, Vermont
Thank you for making Reed’s first camp experience so wonderful. We missed him but are so excited to hear about his new friends and accomplishments. You’re a very special group of people and we are so grateful for the time that you shared with Reed.
- Joanne, parent at Camp Akeela in Thetford, Vermont
She calls Farwell her ‘summer home' and looks forward to it throughout the year. A place she loves for the friendships and the special traditions and the daily activities. As a parent I love it for the incredibly positive, nurturing environment that has helped my daughter grow.
- Patricia, parent at Camp Farwell in Newbury, Vermont
What is most memorable is the genuine and welcoming spirit of the camp. I am amazed at how the campers really became like one big family. You have designed a program that fosters kindness and generosity while including a diverse array of exciting activities.
-Parent at Hosmer Point Camp in Craftsbury Common, Vermont